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Te tīma o TLRI | Our People

To contact any of team, email: tlri@nzcer.org.nz

Heleen Visser – Tumu Rangahau | General Manager

Sheridan McKinley – Tumu Rangahau Māori | General Manager Māori

Mailyn Webb – Kaiwhakarite Kaupapa | Programme Co-ordinator

Amanda White –  Kairangahau Matua | Senior Researcher

Esther Smaill –  Kairangahau Matua | Senior Researcher

Davina Hunt – Kairangahau | Researcher

James Beavis – Kaitohu Mahi Papaho, Mahi Tauhokohoko | Communications and Marketing Advisor

David Ellis – He Kaiwhakatā Pukapuka | Publisher

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Sashi Sharma, Phil Doyle, Daniel Kumar, and Louis Marcelo
Cherie Chu-Fuluifaga and Martyn Reynolds

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