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CoRe: A way to build pedagogical content knowledge for beginning teachers

Research has shown that one of the factors which enables teachers to be effective is their rich pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). Beginning teachers need support to develop this PCK and recent research in the field has proposed a conceptual tool known as “content representations”, or CoRes, as a model for doing this. The study reported here brought together science and technology experts in content and pedagogy, early career secondary teachers, and researchers to design a CoRe to assist development of teacher PCK. The study then researched the early career teachers’ use of the CoRe in their planning and delivery of a unit in their classrooms to examine the effect of the

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Narratives of beginning Māori teachers: The forces that shape the first year of teaching

He Mihi Koia tënei ko te mihi i te tuatahi ki te hunga nä rätou i para te huarahi e whai nei mätou, arä, ko te tini kua ngaro atu i te tirohanga kanohi. Ko te tumanako rä, e tika ana tä mätou whai i te huarahi i whakamomori rä koutou ki te hanga hei painga mö ngä whakatupuranga o muri mai nei. Koia nei hoki te mihi ki ngä kaiako tau tuatahi mö rätou nei tënei rangahaunga. Ko te tumanako rä e tika ana tä mätou nei tuhi i tä koutou i kï mai ai, e tika ana tä mätou whakaatu i ngä piki me ngä heke, ngä koanga ngäkau

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