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Enhancing capacity to analyse students’ writing

1. Introduction 1.1 Aims The research, practice, and partnership goals of the Teaching & Learning Research Initiative (TLRI) provided the framework for this project. The aims were aligned to all the principles of TLRI[1] and in particular to Principle One: a strategic principle that aims to reduce inequalities and address diversity, understand the processes of teaching and learning, and, to some extent, explore future possibilities. It also has strong links with the practice goals of Principles Five and Six. These demand that projects should contribute to practice and lead to significant improvements and outcomes for learners. As stated below, this was the guiding principle for this project. Principle Six also states

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Designing mobile learning with education outside the classroom to enhance marine ecological literacy

1. Introduction The aim of this study was to explore how purposeful educational design using mobile learning might enable integration of classroom and outside of classroom teaching and learning. The context for the study was marine conservation with a goal to enhance the ecological literacy (ecoliteracy) of primary school students and their parents, and by extension to promote sustainable communities. There is growing evidence that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has the potential to enhance learning, increase knowledge, and promote transformative changes in the attitudes and behaviour of both individuals and the broader community (Aguayo, 2014; Becta, 2009; Somekh, 2007). Within ICT, today’s mobile learning technologies (e.g., smartphones, tablets) have multiple

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The Classroom InSiTE Project: Understanding classroom interactions to enhance teaching and learning in science and technology in Years 1–8

1. Aims, objectives, and research questions What really counts in education is what happens when teachers and students meet. The wisdom of any decision about education is best judged on the basis of whether or not it raises the quality of these interactions. (Atkin and Black, 2003, p. ix) Background A significant goal of the Classroom InSiTE (Classroom Interactions in Science and Technology Education) research project was to develop a more robust understanding of and to enhance classroom interaction and those factors that support assessment for learning. International research suggests that assessment for learning (AfL) practices are effective in enhancing student achievement, and may be particularly effective with students who are

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