Nāu i Whatu te Kākahu, He Tāniko Taku

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Mana Ūkaipō: Enhancing Māori engagement through pedagogies of connection and belonging

Introduction The primary objective of this research project was to investigate the specific interventions that make the biggest difference to Māori students’ academic motivation and in school engagement within one Kāhui Ako in Aotearoa New Zealand. Student, whānau, school leader, and teacher perspectives were examined to understand which interventions were most successful and why. The project’s second objective was to develop a collaborative mātauranga Māori informed research partnership with Kāhui Ako leaders. This research partnership was designed to assist with developing collaborative expertise and identifying key information for guiding decision making about successful interventions. Using this information, school and Kāhui Ako leaders continue to develop and redefine their intervention programmes into

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