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Making mathematical thinking visible

1. Mathematical parts and wholes Of all the subjects in the New Zealand school curriculum, mathematics is perhaps the most strongly associated in students’ minds with expectations of conformity, accuracy, and rule-following. Yet mathematicians describe mathematics as a source of intense aesthetic pleasure, creativity, and play (Lockhart, 2009; Sinclair, 2004). Chevallard (as cited in Eisenberg & Dreyfus, 1991) attributes this difference to “didactical transposition”, a process whereby academic mathematical knowledge is broken down and sequentially ordered into atomistic units that are easy to teach and assess. As a result of this transposition, students often experience instructional mathematics as components or building blocks: small, explicitly presented pieces of knowledge and skills to

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The Relationship Between English Language and Mathematics Learning for Non-native Speakers

1. Introduction In recent years, New Zealand secondary schools and tertiary institutions have enrolled increasing numbers of students for whom English is an additional language (EAL students). There is, therefore, growing interest in the language requirements for successful study and in programmes that will assist these students. It is a common perception that students from Asian countries, particularly China, enter the New Zealand education system with good backgrounds in mathematics. Anecdotal evidence has suggested that these students take mathematics in New Zealand because they perceive that this subject is less reliant on language skills, and that they have a good background in mathematics in comparison with New Zealand students of the

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