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Designing mobile learning with education outside the classroom to enhance marine ecological literacy

1. Introduction The aim of this study was to explore how purposeful educational design using mobile learning might enable integration of classroom and outside of classroom teaching and learning. The context for the study was marine conservation with a goal to enhance the ecological literacy (ecoliteracy) of primary school students and their parents, and by extension to promote sustainable communities. There is growing evidence that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has the potential to enhance learning, increase knowledge, and promote transformative changes in the attitudes and behaviour of both individuals and the broader community (Aguayo, 2014; Becta, 2009; Somekh, 2007). Within ICT, today’s mobile learning technologies (e.g., smartphones, tablets) have multiple

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Enhancing teaching and learning of primary mathematics through the use of apps

1. Introduction How might enhancing teachers’ technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) influence the teaching and learning of primary school mathematics though using apps? The focus of this research project was on teaching and learning primary mathematics through the use of apps with mobile digital devices. Specifically, the project aimed to use the lens of teachers’ TPACK to advance and investigate the use of apps in primary mathematics classrooms, and their influence on students’ mathematical learning. Through co-inquiry based on a researcher–practitioner partnership, we co-constructed a framework to evaluate and inform teacher pedagogical decisions regarding the use of apps to enhance students’ conceptual understanding. A range of teachers across year levels

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