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Supporting teachers and learners of programming by understanding feedback on syntax, semantics and style

Introduction New Zealand has a shortage of skilled workers in information technology (IT). Skills relating to computer programming (e.g., software engineer, applications programmer, software tester, web developer) all appear on the 2019 Long Term Skill Shortage List published by Immigration New Zealand (Immigration New Zealand, 2019). In 2020, Immigration New Zealand reports a continued lack of information and communications technology (ICT) workers in New Zealand (Immigration New Zealand, n.d.). However, New Zealand is competing in a global market facing similar demands. In many parts of the world, demand for computing graduates outstrips supply. Consequently, New Zealand cannot rely on filling its requirements from other countries. We need to develop skilled professionals

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Citizen scientists in the classroom: Investigating the role of online citizen science in primary school science education

1. Introduction This project aimed to assess the impact of online citizen science (OCS) participation on the science education of primary school children in New Zealand. Four exploratory cases were used to examine the nature and impact of embedding OCS projects that use web-based online tools within primary classroom environments. Findings provide key insights into primary teachers’ perception of OCS. They offer initial insights into how teachers embed OCS in a classroom environment, and why this improves science learning aptitudes, inquisitiveness, and capabilities in primary school children. They also show how successfully embedding OCS projects in education is affected by the project context, human computer interaction (HCI), and dissemination of results,

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Integrating values in the New Zealand Curriculum: Caught or taught?

Introduction Currently, there are gaps in our knowledge about values development in New Zealand schools. we do not know what teachers, curriculum leaders and principals believe and know about values implementation in the new curriculum, nor do we know about the effect on student learning of current implementation strategies for teaching values. This study aims to explore (a) the ability of schools to integrate values into their teaching and learning programmes, and (b) the effect of approaches taken to implement values throughout the school. Key findings The most favoured strategies for teaching values included teacher role modelling, using the “teachable moment” and explicit teaching of values. The most preferred strategies for

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