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Using a wellbeing framework to recognise, value and enhance the broad range of outcomes for learners in adult literacy and numeracy programmes

Aotearoa New Zealand’s attention to adult literacy and numeracy (L+N) education arose from the results of the OECD / Statistics Canada International Literacy surveys begun in the mid-1990s, when, as a nation, we achieved unexpectedly low results for L+N proficiency. The Government responded with an adult L+N strategy (Ministry of Education, 2001) that spellt out initiatives in building professional capability for delivery, improving the quality of the system, and ensuring that larger numbers of learners could access L+N learning. Over the next 10 years, further measures were included, such as credentialising tutors, expanded funding for educational provision, a national literacy centre housed in the University of Waikato, a national set of

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Early algebraic thinking: links to numeracy

1. Introduction Many students struggle with introductory algebra and teachers have little to guide them in assisting students to learn this important component of high school mathematics. Little is known about the effect of students’ numeracy on the learning of early algebra, or about the strategies that students use to solve equations. There is widespread agreement that algebra is not easily understood by many students. The Cockcroft Report in the United Kingdom highlighted the fact that algebra is a source of considerable confusion and negative attitudes among pupils (Cockcroft, 1982), while the title of Brekke’s (2001) paper, “School Algebra: Primarily Manipulations of Empty Symbols on a Piece of Paper?”, sums up

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Numeracy Practices and Change

1. Aims, objectives, and research questions Overview of project Late in 2003 the Teaching and Learning Research Initiative granted funding to Massey University’s Department of Technology, Science, and Mathematics for a two-year study of numeracy practices in New Zealand schools. Central issues to be addressed were those of equity, proficiency, and sustainable practice in relation to the introduction of mathematics reforms in the primary school sector. Key research partners for Massey University in planning and implementing the research were the principals, lead mathematics teachers, numeracy teachers, and students from 16 schools. Prior to the application for funding, discussions had taken place with these schools and they gave a strong commitment to

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