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CoRe: A way to build pedagogical content knowledge for beginning teachers

Research has shown that one of the factors which enables teachers to be effective is their rich pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). Beginning teachers need support to develop this PCK and recent research in the field has proposed a conceptual tool known as “content representations”, or CoRes, as a model for doing this. The study reported here brought together science and technology experts in content and pedagogy, early career secondary teachers, and researchers to design a CoRe to assist development of teacher PCK. The study then researched the early career teachers’ use of the CoRe in their planning and delivery of a unit in their classrooms to examine the effect of the

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Culturally responsive pedagogy and assessment in primary science classrooms: Whakamana tamariki

Introduction In this project four teachers addressed their diverse students’ need for a range of different opportunities to develop more sophisticated expertise in science. They achieved this by drawing on the principles and practices of culturally responsive pedagogy and assessment for learning. Interviews and classroom observations indicated that students, and their families, took greater ownership and responsibility for science learning when teachers incorporated and built on the funds of knowledge and lived experience that all students bring from their homes and communities. Key findings Teachers can create culturally responsive pathways for science learning by incorporating children’s and communities’ funds of knowledge into the curriculum. Culturally responsive science teachers at times position

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An exploration of the pedagogies employed to integrate knowledge in work-integrated learning in New Zealand tertiary educational institutions

Introduction Work-integrated learning or co-operative education is an educational strategy in which students undertake conventional academic learning at a higher educational institution combined with some time spent in a workplace relevant to their programme of study and career aims (Groenewald, 2004). A key aspect of work-integrated learning is the notion that it entails the integration of knowledge and skills gained in the higher education institution and in the workplace. This has two features—the student takes what he or she has learnt on campus into the workplace when going on a work placement, and likewise what they learn in the workplace becomes related to, or incorporated into, the next phase of academic

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Building bilingual pedagogical content knowledge through critical action research: a pilot study 2006

1. Introduction This Level C TLRI pilot project was conducted in 2006 at Richmond Road School (RRS), a small multicultural, multilingual school in Ponsonby/Grey Lynn, Auckland. In 2006, the school had a total roll of 350. There were 13 classes, with 15 full-time and five part-time teachers. A key feature of RRS is its long-established bilingual/multicultural education program, which is the principal point of focus of the TLRI project. RRS currently comprises three bilingual units— Māori-, Samoan-, and French-medium—as well as an English-medium area. In addition, the school has on site two Early Childhood Education (ECE) centres, one Māori-and one Samoanmedium. The school is designated as Decile 7, based on the

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Who, what, how, and why? Profiles, practices, pedagogies, and self-perception of adult literacy practitioners

1. Introduction This study began in the Spring of 2003, when we—the Canterbury Adult Basic Education Research Network (CABERN), an informal cross-sector network of local adult literacy researchers and practitioners—sent out a questionnaire. The questionnaire addressed potential respondents by asking: “Are you a tutor engaged in any aspect of adult literacy?” and the accompanying information sheet explained the main driver behind the research: We began this particular project because we felt that, while there is a lot of talk currently on what adult literacy tutors should do, there is actually very little material available on what they do do and why they do it; our project is an opportunity for tutors

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Effective teaching in different cultural contexts: A comparative analysis of language, culture, and pedagogy

1. Introduction Whaia te iti kahuranhi Strive for the things in life that are important to you This research project was developed as a part of the Teaching and Learning Research Initiative (TLRI) tender process that is managed by the New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER). The project began with a collaborative team of Māori, Pasifika and Pākehā researchers, brought together with the intention of working across four different school contexts that included kura kaupapa Māori, schools in which Pasifika and Māori were culturally in the foreground and mainstream[1] sites. Unanticipated changes to the composition of the research team occurred during project implementation and had a significant impact—these are detailed

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