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Supporting teachers and learners of programming by understanding feedback on syntax, semantics and style

Introduction New Zealand has a shortage of skilled workers in information technology (IT). Skills relating to computer programming (e.g., software engineer, applications programmer, software tester, web developer) all appear on the 2019 Long Term Skill Shortage List published by Immigration New Zealand (Immigration New Zealand, 2019). In 2020, Immigration New Zealand reports a continued lack of information and communications technology (ICT) workers in New Zealand (Immigration New Zealand, n.d.). However, New Zealand is competing in a global market facing similar demands. In many parts of the world, demand for computing graduates outstrips supply. Consequently, New Zealand cannot rely on filling its requirements from other countries. We need to develop skilled professionals

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Making a difference: The role of initial teacher education and induction in the preparation of secondary teachers

1. Aims, objectives, and research questions New Zealand, a country of four million people, shares many of the features of other larger countries with respect to the preparation of teachers and the nature of education and schooling. In accord with other countries, the recruitment, preparation (becoming a teacher), and retention of teachers is the focus of increasing interest in New Zealand as agencies responsible for education struggle to address the apparent declining interest in teaching as a lifelong career. Moreover, the fact that the teaching population across all school levels within New Zealand is an ageing one, with a large group of teachers reaching retirement age over the next 10 to

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Technology use and the teaching of mathematics in the secondary classroom

Mathematics teaching and learning is crucial to the future of New Zealand’s knowledge economy and deserves a special focus in education. One of the key synergisms of mathematics is with technology, and as technology advances it inevitably influences what happens in the mathematics classroom. However, with rapid advancements, teachers may be unprepared to take full advantage of new technology, with the types of technology use falling behind the learning possibilities demonstrated by international research studies (Thomas, Monaghan, & Pierce, 2004). In this study, we considered whether the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Levels 2 and 3 assessment standards had presented any challenges for teachers in terms of their use of

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Pasifika teachers in secondary education: Issues, possibilities and strategies

1. Overview Introduction This modestly scaled research initiative aimed to make visible and ask questions about the experiences of Pasifika secondary teachers as they moved into the profession, or alternatively, failed to find jobs. The study comprised interviews with approximately eight young Pasifika secondary teachers and other relevant professionals as well as collective reflective enquiry carried out by the research team of: Tony Brown, professor of education, Waikato University/ Manchester Metropolitan University Dr Nesta Devine, lecturer in education, University of Waikato, Hamilton Elsie Leslie, teacher of history, Hamilton Boys School Margaret Paiti, Pasifika Liaison Officer, Ministry of Education, Hamilton Emilie Sila’ila’i, tutor in education, University of Waikato, Hamilton Sandra Umaki, head

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