Nāu i Whatu te Kākahu, He Tāniko Taku

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Supporting teachers and learners of programming by understanding feedback on syntax, semantics and style

Introduction New Zealand has a shortage of skilled workers in information technology (IT). Skills relating to computer programming (e.g., software engineer, applications programmer, software tester, web developer) all appear on the 2019 Long Term Skill Shortage List published by Immigration New Zealand (Immigration New Zealand, 2019). In 2020, Immigration New Zealand reports a continued lack of information and communications technology (ICT) workers in New Zealand (Immigration New Zealand, n.d.). However, New Zealand is competing in a global market facing similar demands. In many parts of the world, demand for computing graduates outstrips supply. Consequently, New Zealand cannot rely on filling its requirements from other countries. We need to develop skilled professionals

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Together is better? Primary students’ and teachers’ experiences of collaborative learning online

This project undertook to research the use of the Learning Activity Management System (LAMS) online learning environment to teach a collaborative unit involving three classes in two primary schools. There has been much research on collaborative learning at various levels of the school sector (e.g., Brown & Thomson, 2000; Holloway, 2003; Holmes, 2003; Holzer, 2004; Lourdusamy, Myint, & Sipusic, 2003; Peel & Shortland, 2004; Whatley & Bell, 2003). However, the use of online environments for collaborative work is a new and largely under-researched area for primary school teachers, as most studies in this area have involved the secondary or tertiary sector (Chih-Hsiung & Correy, 2003; Hakkinen, 2003; Hron & Friedrich, 2003;

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Addressing the needs of transient students: A collaborative approach to enhance teaching and learning in an area school

Note for readers This report uses the terms “transience” or “transient” to describe families and students who have changed schools frequently. Gilbert (2005) noted that the term transient is the most commonly used term in New Zealand, but there is no “official” nationally agreed definition of what this term means in educational contexts. She also noted that the term has negative connotations. In this report, we have used this term for ease of communication, but are aware that the continual use of the term may contribute to the exclusion of students through a process of negative labelling and categorisation. We ask the reader to be aware of this issue. 1. Background,

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Narratives of beginning Māori teachers: The forces that shape the first year of teaching

He Mihi Koia tënei ko te mihi i te tuatahi ki te hunga nä rätou i para te huarahi e whai nei mätou, arä, ko te tini kua ngaro atu i te tirohanga kanohi. Ko te tumanako rä, e tika ana tä mätou whai i te huarahi i whakamomori rä koutou ki te hanga hei painga mö ngä whakatupuranga o muri mai nei. Koia nei hoki te mihi ki ngä kaiako tau tuatahi mö rätou nei tënei rangahaunga. Ko te tumanako rä e tika ana tä mätou nei tuhi i tä koutou i kï mai ai, e tika ana tä mätou whakaatu i ngä piki me ngä heke, ngä koanga ngäkau

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