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Moving beyond the threshold: A TLRI final report 2014–16

Introduction Moving beyond the threshold set out to interrogate what it means to think historically in the digital age (Tredinnick, 2013). How do university students and teachers use digital media to transform learning experiences? Do digital approaches present novel ways to engage with key historical concepts? Answers to these questions continue to be important and urgent; large-scale investment in educational resources and technology is based on the assumption that current and future students are or will become digitally literate, and that they know how to use digital media effectively and efficiently in inquiry-led and autonomous learning. There is little evidence to prove, however, that the so-called ‘net generation’ (Schulmeister, 2015; Tapscott,

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Capturing learning in undergraduate mathematics: a Learning in Undergraduate Mathematics: The Outcome Spectrum (LUMOS) report

Dedication Judy Paterson sadly passed away during this research project. However, her contribution was a major one, co-leading the design and grant application team, taking responsibility for the Team-Based Learning innovation, conducting interviews, and contributing strongly in several of the learning output observation groups. We dedicate this report to her memory. – Bill Overview of the project The LUMOS Project had two parts: the development of three innovative methods of undergraduate mathematics course delivery, and the identification and observation of a wide range of desired learning outcomes. This project sought to link these aspects. The research questions were: What practical, pedagogical, administrative and curricular barriers need to be overcome to establish

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